Monday, December 3, 2018

Jog-A-Thon Prize Winners

Congratulations to all the Jog-A-Thon prize winners!

Pizza and popsicle party dates will be announced soon. Additional donations are still trickling in, so we hope to announce how much we raised by the time we have the parties!

Some lappers tied for the top spot in their class, and OneZo was generous enough to donate enough gift cards to cover the ties!

We additionally awarded the golden raffle ticket holders with $25 Scholastic Dollars per ticket as gratitude for their amazing fundraising.

Second top fundraisers win a Tea Maru e-gift card. Please email to give us your email address to receive your e-gift card.

All other prizes on this list will be available to be PICKED UP on Wednesday morning from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m at the school. Please email us if you are unable to make it and you'd rather we give the prize to your child to take home.

The Jog-A-Thon Committee and Marguerita PTA Board appreciate your support for this big event. We consider it a very successful fundraiser because not only did we fundraise enough money to support this year's programs, but we also built school spirit, had tremendous student and parent/volunteer participation, and raised school pride. Together, we made this a fabulous and fun event for the entire school. Thank you!